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What kind of bird is this? - Dances With Woofs! - 05-06-2014 08:05 AM

We are going crazy over on FB trying to figure out what kind of chick this is. It was posted as a raven,which it is most definitely NOT. It is also not a crow, starling, grackle, Guam rail, Guillemot tern,duck,swan,goose,etc. Some of us think it is a chicken. What do you bird experts think? Oh,and if you Google it is says it is a raven but it's NOT! It is a precocial bird,as you can tell by the downy feathers,and the bill is WAY different than a raven or crow. So what is it??
Bill is wrong for a rail.
Marty - It IS a rail , a corn crake to be exact. Cornell lab of Ornitholgy FB page told me.

- Marty - 05-06-2014 08:16 AM

Its likely a Cemani Chicken Chick or a Black Sex Link Chick. Def not a raven. Depending on length of toes it could be a Black Rail Chick too.

- A Girl - 05-06-2014 08:25 AM

from looking at its feet, feather downy and the wings it must be some kind of chicken. i dont know what kind though as i am not an expert at the types of chicken

- Vanaathiel - 05-06-2014 08:34 AM

You're right, definitely not a raven! Likely some breed of chicken.