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INCREDIBLE FACEBOOK IDEA? - 892 - 05-06-2014 09:37 AM

i just smoked a fat bowl and got this incredible facebook idea..

I was thinking about getting the new X-Box 360 w/ kinect since my PS3 may be on the fritz. I was looking at the games they've developed so far. Kinect Adventures, youtube that s**t, it takes pictures of you in pose and directly uploads them to Facebook. What if FB partnered with Microsoft, devloped a game utilizing Kinect, and created virtual locations where you could interact with your friends.

What do you think, does this seem possible?

- fg615050000 - 05-06-2014 09:49 AM

i think facebook should make a group chat first

- ali q - 05-06-2014 10:00 AM

if anytihng facebook is ot as techy as everyone seems to think look at their terrible chat first and uploading.. do you really want something like that in your games???

- WHISKEY - 05-06-2014 10:13 AM

3 reasons why this is shit.
1. facebook is shit
2. xbox 360 is shit
3. kinect is shit.

- a nifty theory :D - 05-06-2014 10:26 AM

That'd be sick. :o

Reminds me of a movie I once saw, but I always liked the idea, so that's good, haha.

Facebook is lacking, but if it were to catch up & work on what it does have, then maybe it would be pretty cool. Perhaps not Facebook though, but another site formed by Microsoft where you can log in with your Facebook credentials. Like, you know, a lot of other sites allow you to sign in with Facebook-ness. Would be awesome. ;o

- Matt - 05-06-2014 10:29 AM
