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Google Penguin and Panda Recovery, Best Way? - Printable Version

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Google Penguin and Panda Recovery, Best Way? - Octavio - 05-06-2014 10:10 AM

Hi there,

I started a new site. I did all the basic SEO to it. The site's traffic started growing fast, and it was already generating about $3.00 a day in google Adwords.
However, I started building links, and within two weeks, the site's traffic went dead.
My website was penalized by Google Penguin and Panda. I most've done something wrong.

Because of this, I decided to change the site domain name for a new one to recover my traffic, but I left old the old content.

My question is…

Will google see my old content as duplicate content? I paid a writer to help me write that content; therefore, I do not want to throw it away. Will google punish this new domain for duplicate content because I am using my old site content?

- Daniel L Sanchez - 05-06-2014 10:25 AM

Well, it will be duplicate content but Google doesn't penalize for duplicate content.

Check this out:

Keep in mind though that you won't rank as high because it's not original. BUT since the site with the original is penalized then you can still rank higher than the original site with that sites own content.

I suggest either you or hire an SEO company to go through the process of taking the penalty off and submit a reconsideration request to the original site or create new content for the new site.

Also, SEO isn't how it was a few years ago, you should check out some of my blog posts about this topic here:

There are also other way to marketing your website, I really think you should check it out.

If you need any help removing the penalty or if you want to do high quality SEO just check out and give us a call and we will be happy to help you in this process.

Good Luck and I hope I helped,