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Why doesn't she trust me? I slept with with my fb the day after I met my gf I did it because I wasn't sure if she wanted - Printable Version

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Why doesn't she trust me? I slept with with my fb the day after I met my gf I did it because I wasn't sure if she wanted - 461 - 05-06-2014 11:55 AM

But she thought we were already in a relationship after the first day we met and kissed.
I kept it my mistake a secret for one year, until she found out, one year ago.
I regret cheating so much, and she still doesn't trust me at all.
The thought of losing her tears me up!

Should this be the end?
Telling her I didn't know we were in a relationship doesnt work, she still says I cheated.

But there's more:
While keeping it a secret, I still stayed normal best friends with my fb.
She holds that against me too, even though I broke all contact after she found out.

What should I do if reassuring her I won't cheat now doesn't work?

- starfish - 05-06-2014 12:07 PM

Is it possible to cheat when you don't know you're in a relationship???

- blogRot - 05-06-2014 12:21 PM

Tell her to deal with it - you gave up your fb to have her and frankly she should be satisfied with having a man that other women want.

So yes - it is the end if she doesn't come to terms with this. At that point move on and find another - you do not seem the kind of man that will go 'wanting' for very long. And she may even come crawling back.

- Tammy - 05-06-2014 12:34 PM

Happen to me. However my spouse did not ever get over it, six years later.

- pictureshygirl - 05-06-2014 12:48 PM

As much as I condone cheating, this happens more often than anyone thinks. You and her were only at the first day of a relationship and things were new and love was not in the air yet. So the mind frame is you like this girl but not knowing her too well yet your heart still considered yourself single. I am sure now that you and her have sustain the test of time and are now sure about a commitment you would not cheat. She has to realize this, and you have to keep reassuring her. Most couples have done this even if they will not admit to it. I know she is deeply hurt by this but in time if she can truly open up her heart to you and understand she then will forgive you. If she can break up over this, I feel she has not fully understood life and relationships and when new it is still not established yet to commit. I know this happened to me in the beginning when me and my husband now were dating. I did not know him and I were set in stone yet until months later and now that him and I are married would never think of cheating. Good luck to you!

- BabeHart - 05-06-2014 01:02 PM

You have to be in a relationship for cheating to two were not in a relationship, thus cheating did not occur...if she thought you were in a relationship after the FIRST day you met, that was her mistake...

This belongs in Singles & Dating if you two aren't married...

- Aurora Mae - 05-06-2014 01:09 PM

I don't think the main problem was the cheating, it was the lieing. That's a tough situation..... If I were her I would be very hurt and upset because not only would I few like you kept it a secret, it would also hurt me that after kissing me one night and making me feel like You wanted me, you would go and sleep with someone else. Not the best way to show someone you care. Given you just met her and didn't know what was going to develop, you should have dropped the friend right away if you wanted to pursue her....

What's done is done... You shouldn't have lied, you should have told her right off the bat there was someone else, it's just sex and you are breaking it off, but instead you lied.
You did the right thing by ending the friendship when she found out, there's nothing else you can do now except keep proving to her you are trustworthy, and hoping she can forgive. For me I would try to move on, but that would probably change the way I saw you forever, and
Probably be a deal breaker.

- whats up - 05-06-2014 01:16 PM

your girl is whaack!!!

you cant cheat if your not in a relationship