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SEO: Does Using Same IP Matter? - Printable Version

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SEO: Does Using Same IP Matter? - razz5900 - 05-06-2014 12:33 PM

Creating both blog and forum comments is one of my own strengths. That being said, I have several questions to ask:

#1, Client A hires me to visit 150 blogs that relate to his website theme. In total that is 150 blog websites, which = 150 total comments. Each blog comment is to consist of: clients URL and anchor text. If I use the same IP address to post these comments, would client A be penalized by the search engines?

#2, If no to question #1, is it best to spread the work over a time period?

#3, In relationship to IP's- is Google basing this on not who links for you but rather who is linking?
Meaning: If I post a blog comment on 3 websites sharing the same IP- google would not penalize the client but would rather just give ranking to the best site listed?

- aseopro - 05-06-2014 12:43 PM

Interesting questions
The answer to the first question is, Yes. Having a bunch of links coming from one IP would be suspicious, however according to what you specifically asked, the links would be coming from several blogs (as long as these blogs are not all hosted on the same system) in which case the IP of the blog would be the one pointing at the client website. The fact that you are posting from one IP should not have an effect.
The answer to question two depends on what kind of work has the client been doing. If the client has been working at adding links on a regular basis (fifty per month say) then a jump of 150 won't make much of a dent or blip on the radar. However If he wants you to go back on a regular basis and post more links on the same blogs that is going to take away from the potency of the original links. You should be looking for other blogs to post on.
The last question relates to the first. That Google would look more closely at the IP of the blog than who posted ON the blog.
However that being said, Google has a full compliment of staff that regularly check things like what is being posted on Yahoo answers, that might have something to do with SEO practice and Google. If you were to mention the subject or keywords you are attempting to work on (please do not do so) you could find that Google will make a special tweak in the algorithm to consider the second information (who is posting from which IP). Still 150 links to any website is not worth bothering. If you plan on making 5000 or more links over say the next month and the website has had less than that total for the last three years steady then you will for sure set off a little red flag in the historical information.