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should i be friends with my ex? - Printable Version

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should i be friends with my ex? - 284 - 05-06-2014 01:00 PM

i was in a serious relationship with this guy for 1 year he chased me around and stuck around everytime i felt the relationship wasnt what i wanted so i finally fell madly in love with him,one fine day he told me to move on cause he said he wanted to marry a woman of his parents choice(hindu religion)i told him to give me a chance and i would talk to my parents to talkto his however one fine day i opened fb and saw he got engaged,he was sad about it so we remained friends and felt i was too late ..but even after that it was always me keeping in touch with him..and only when he was lonely he would text me and even say he still loved me and other occasions he would just call me friend...and avoid me..yesterday i saw the msg he had sent my cousin saying i was after him (it was a year back old)so i asked him and he said yes he said it with remorse ..i forgave him but now im thinking should we really be friends i care for him but i dont want to look like a fool..
he isnt married yet and insists we meet which i decline everytime i am not a home wrecker i even refuse when he tells me he would callme up im married now my parents arranged my marriage..its just that we are friends where i aSK him about his life ,he asks about mine etc i just felt sad about what he told my cousin i didnt know my concern for him he thought was me being after him

- Jimmy - 05-06-2014 01:12 PM

might be weird. just because he married her if it was his choice he might still have feeling for you and that could go bad. id avoid it to be safe.

- Georgie - 05-06-2014 01:25 PM

That ship has sailed. You already look like a fool and a home wrecker by chasing after a married man. Find someone that's not already taken. Better luck next time.

- princess - 05-06-2014 01:36 PM

No. He can easily hurt you because you have feelings for him.

- Amy - 05-06-2014 01:48 PM


- Ebony - 05-06-2014 02:01 PM

An ex is an ex for a reason. I don't see any reason in being friends unless there's children involved

- Shan Barani - 05-06-2014 02:09 PM

He is using you for sex

Dump him