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Facebook ads want me to buy a freemason ring, but I'm not a freemason. What happens if I buy it? - Printable Version

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Facebook ads want me to buy a freemason ring, but I'm not a freemason. What happens if I buy it? - ShogunOrta - 05-06-2014 07:08 PM

Well it's just like the title asks. I see all these ads for freemason rings, clothes, on facebook. But I'm not a freemason. So what would happen if I did buy the ring? It seems like there's a few steps missing here. I'd think I wouldn't have the option to buy anything unless I were a freemason.

I dunno, I've looked into that stuff before. I go back and forth as to whether or not I'd want to join. It just feels like something is out of sequence with these ads. Anyway, not really expecting an answers to this. Just throwing it out there. Maybe somebody has more incite out there.

- Gary - 05-06-2014 07:11 PM

Just ignore the ads and don't buy anything.

- kyle - 05-06-2014 07:20 PM

When ever you search something Facebook uses that to put ads up that are related to your search. If you do buy one you shouldn't wear it until you become a master mason. Any questions about freemasonry just ask one we are always glad to help

yes I am a mason willing to answer your questions but it won't let me email you. If you send me an email at I can answer your questions better

- James K - 05-06-2014 07:23 PM

Ignore the ads. You probably clicked on something months or years ago, and you are on the list of possible customers.
However, if you buy a Freemason ring you will own it. That is the extent of the issue.

- s0mewhereny - 05-06-2014 07:25 PM

As other have told you the FB ads are based on related searches and should you not search Freemason, Freemasonry or Masons, etc. they will stop after a short while.

So what would happen if you or any non-mason were to buy and wear a Masonic Ring????

Nothing. Although you may get a friendly smile and handshake with another man asking where your Mother Lodge is, etc. Once he find out your a cowan, he will certainly not be pleases and he may even suggest you not wear the ring, but other then that...nothing.

But I would ask why would you want to wear a ring of a group that you do not belong to? This would eb like wearing a college ring of a school you did not attend. This is a bit dishonest don't you think?

If you would want to know more, even if you are not inclined to join, please see here: and have a look around and ask questions of Freemasons on the forum. At least this way you will be better informed of what it is you want to wear the symbol of.