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This guy WILL NOT take a hint, what do i do? - Printable Version

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This guy WILL NOT take a hint, what do i do? - A B - 05-06-2014 08:00 PM

I've known this one guy since high school...i'm in my early 20's now. He's so annoying though! We aren't even close, we never hang out, and i haven't seen him in years but he's always all over me and he won't take a hint. He follows me on all social media, and will constantly text me over stupid stuff- for example something i tweet, just to give him an excuse to answer. He always tries to ask me out too!

It's gotten to the point where i am just annoyed. I dread seeing his name pop up. He tries to be nice, so if i post about having a bad day, he'll send me a funny picture or something- but it just comes off clingy. There have been times where i ignore his texts. When i do respond, i'm short with him, and he still does it. I am literally sending him all the signs to show i am NOT into him and he doesn't get it! Not to sound like a shallow b**ch but he's just not in my league and he acts like a psycho! One time when i ignored him, he ranted this giant post on facebook subliminally about me. Like TAKE A HINT!!!!

- MM - 05-06-2014 08:06 PM

So stop hinting. Tell him flat out that you are not interested, and you need him to quit contacting you. Block him if you have to. If he still tries to get in touch after that, then report him to whatever authorities are necessary. But if he hasn't gotten it so far, he's not going to, so be as clear about what you want as he's been.

- Chris - 05-06-2014 08:12 PM

Sounds like a stage 5 clinger. Best thing you can do is block him completely facebook, instagram cell phone etc..

- Art Vandelay - 05-06-2014 08:22 PM

Change your number and dont give him the new one. if he asks for it say "no, its for close friends only"

- Croissant - 05-06-2014 08:34 PM

Not to sound like a shallow b**ch but he's just not in my league. Post pics of you and him and i will confirm if you are out of his league or not otherwise you just sound like shallow sloot. Srs

Anyway most guys can't read minds and fail at taking hints. Its the same way when a girl likes a guy and he is completely oblivious about it. You need to be blunt and straight up and simply say you don't like him and want nothing to do with him. Yeah he might call you a bish and complain to people about it but who cares? Better then dealing with clingy betas like that.

- Emma - 05-06-2014 08:43 PM

Can you not delete him from social networks and just change your number? Or just be straight to the point and say look im sorry but nothing is ever going to happen between us and you just dont feel that way about him, I know it might hurt his feelings but one day your going to blow and tell him all this anyway so you could do it now in the nicest way possible. With you saying he's a physco, maybe get a restraining order too!!

- xx - 05-06-2014 08:56 PM

the thing is, guys are completely oblivious and dont get hints at ALL. you have to be upfront and honest with him, maybe say that you're seeing someone else and you want some space. you have to tell him straight up or else he will keep thinking that he has a chance.