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why do gay people get so much support? - Printable Version

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why do gay people get so much support? - Kevin - 05-06-2014 11:01 PM

I personally don't care about what sexual orientation someone is, I don't like to judge people on stereotypes, I judge them for who they are as an individual. However one thing i don't understand about gay people, particularly in America is why they get so much support. As heterosexual male I don't get support for being straight. Nobody is congratulating me. It's like saying, "Oh, it's okay that your black, asian or latino, i still love you and support you." I know people want to give equality to homosexuals but i don't think equality is the right word here. Especially when people are getting higher chances of getting jobs for being gay, and people all over social media are getting support for being gay. As a father, i don't want my child to grow up and be gay, i will still love him unconditionally if he was, but as of now, and him being so young, if i could prevent it, i would. I just don't want my son to be growing up in a society where it's almost better to be gay or something. I don't see this as equality.

- Sasuke - 05-06-2014 11:10 PM

It's because we think that everyone will hate us, it's just that everyone is saying "I don't hate you." Also because we fight for same-sex marriage, and everyone who's straight and ok with it will support.

- Reef - 05-06-2014 11:12 PM

Gay transcends race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, height, weight and all the rest. And because of that we are persecuted, ridiculed, belittled and berated. Yet strong we stand, and for that we are ovated by some, and hated by others.

- Nicole - 05-06-2014 11:23 PM

Maybe it's just in your head.

where I live you don't get praised for being gay, you get shunned from the family and "prayed for"...

And seriously? You really think homosexuality is taught (you think your son will learn to be gay.. LOL)... smh. If sexuality was taught I would be heterosexual, because that's all I ever learned, all I ever saw, and all I thought existed.. yet here I am, a lesbian, always have been even when I didn't quit understand my feelings.

If your son is straight chill it aint changing. If he's gay, get over it. It is harmless and there are actually horrible things you should be worried about right now like the economy.

- ?=? - 05-06-2014 11:34 PM

You're basically a white person asking why blacks want equality in the 1950s.
Open your eyes. You naive and immature 'human being'.

"Especially when people are getting higher chances of getting jobs for being gay"
What ****ing world do you live in, cause I wanna be there.

- Silver - 05-06-2014 11:39 PM

We get so much support because we also get too much hate.

- Chris - 05-06-2014 11:49 PM

Idk what u talking about I never get support about being gay

- Bradley - 05-07-2014 12:00 AM

First of there is no way that gay people get more of a chance to get a job, of anything it's the other way round.
Second it probaly because some people still hate us.
Third younger lgbt people have a higher suicide rate than a heterosexual person so they don't wnat them to kill them selfs.

Trust me you had to be in a lgbt persons shoes to truly understand the hate we get. And I know other religiouns and cultrus get it worse

- Justin - 05-07-2014 12:16 AM

Gay and proud. That is all.

- ~ - 05-07-2014 12:21 AM

As a straight man, there's no possible way you'd understand. There are gay people who are killed for being gay. Kansas is almost passing a bill that will segregate gays from practically everything, including service from a police officer. Gay people are bullied, teased, beaten. They're verbally attacked and get hate from religious people. They get cast out of their own families for being gay. PEOPLE ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE BECAUSE OF THIS. Yet you wonder why gay people receive support?