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My boyfriend would not give me his face book password. Why? Please read additional details first, before answering.? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend would not give me his face book password. Why? Please read additional details first, before answering.? - 553 - 05-07-2014 07:15 AM

So my boyfriend of almost 5 months would not give me, the password to his face book page. Now I UNDERSTAND THAT WE HAVE NOT BEEN GOING OUT THAT LONG. But what I don't get is, why he wouldn't let me have his password. HE DISLIKES FACEBOOK! He HARDLY USES IT! And he has logged in his FB before and given me full reign of going in his messages, and everything. Which means, its not the contents of the face book, but the password he uses.

When i told him to tell me the password, he said "Beb, dats private u know dat! plz dont be mad."


Why do i have a feeling that his password has to do something with his ex girlfriend?

INSECURITY YES! BUT bloody hell, its hard to erect fake rainbows and butterflies, when i have doubts.

- Bo - 05-07-2014 07:16 AM

ask him what hes hiding!

- jackfooo - 05-07-2014 07:29 AM

i wood not give mine out you asking will make me verry consernd you are snooping in thing witch is a deal breaker for me

- Anthony - 05-07-2014 07:36 AM

Sia this is all to do with one thing, TRUST.
He doesn't trust you and he never will.

- Tomoki - 05-07-2014 07:44 AM

Why should he? It's his page. If a girl asked me for my passwords I'd tell her to piss off. If you need them it means you distrust him. Plus, if you ever get mad at him you have some power over his social networking account and can do damage. It is also a major privacy violation to me. I'm with him. I think you are in the wrong and are too clingy and insecure. You would only want that if you think he might cheat on you, which means you think he might do it which is why you are making such a big deal out of this. I think you need to grow up.

- john - 05-07-2014 07:51 AM

It's never okay to ask for his password for anything. Even if you were going out for 1 year+. It's his decision and it's silly that it upsets you. Respect boundaries.

- Patricia - 05-07-2014 08:06 AM

You want his FB password? Seriously? That isn't gonna solve your doubts at all, and is also a serious violation of him as a person and the terms on FB to boot. Good luck, taking someone elses life and shoving it to the curb to suit yourself... I ditched a guy once who was all yappy with is ex on FB...but I would've never have asked for his FB pw!

- Lisbeth - 05-07-2014 08:17 AM

Me personally, I wouldnn't even concern myself with that because you are only bf and gf, not married. Unless you see obvious signs of cheating, I would not even be concerned with that

- angerTurnsToRage - 05-07-2014 08:32 AM

I'm a woman, I understand what you feel. Just don't ask for it anymore, be confident about your relationship, because eventually he'll think you are AN OVERLY ATTACHED GIRLFRIEND.. And we don't want him to think that, right?

- Jennifer - 05-07-2014 08:48 AM

Straight up it's not your account and if your that insecure maybe you should be single! Just because you are a couple it doesn't give you the automatic right to invade your partners privacy! You stated he lets you see it, read his messages so what are you worried about? You sound very young and immature. You state your so mad you feel like never speaking to him? You don't belong together! If he's smart he'd leave you! Your relationship is not going to last! It's a major turn off to pry into something he feels is personal! You said yourself you haven't been together long so you basically haven't earn that right! I'm 35 with a infant & wonderful fiancé but I trust him so I don't need to search his page, go through his phone because I TRUST him! You insisting his password shows there is no trust! Don't be surprised if your single soon