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No internet connection. What is Webwasher? - Printable Version

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No internet connection. What is Webwasher? - somestrangedudewantstoknow - 05-07-2014 02:10 PM

I clicked on the internet browser icon, and instead of the homepage coming up i got a white page that said licence expired and something about webwasher and says "your webwasher licence has a time limit and has already expired. No more requests can be handled."
However, that only happens on the PC, but when i plug the internet cord into my laptop, the internet connection works fine.
Any help?

- cyberpunk_2000_ca - 05-07-2014 02:23 PM

Hey there, not much of an answer...
But I just encountered the exact same issue.
I was using Shaw Cable Internet and Internet Explorer when this happened.
I went to my favorite Firefox Browser and it works fine on the same computer and internet connection without changing anything other than using firefox rather than Internet Explorer.
I am using it to look for answers too.

It said something along the lines of a shawcable server in the code at the bottom of the page I saw.
My best guess would be that it has something to do with my internet service providers servers.

Everything we do on the net is filtered through a provider somewhere along the lines. And if their filters are acting up we may see odd rare messages.

In this case, as I was typing this I went back to check the exact message and it seems to be resolved already.

Need more assistance? I am always glad to try and help.


Webwasher - Notification

/10/2009 1:12:31 AM]
License Expired
Your Webwasher license has a time limit and has already expired.
No more requests can be handled.

generated 20/Oct/2009:01:07:41 -0700 by (Webwasher 6.6.2 Build

I got the error again after it went away for a bit.
Based on this generated by text at the bottom of the message I called SHAW CABLE at 1:00am
Waited for over 15 minutes to get through to the 2 or 3 guys answering the phones at these hours and they said they are aware of the problem.
They said there was a temporary workaround that should work.
Like I said mine was mostly working before this.
But it kept happening at random moments.

This is their instructions as a workaround...
1) Open Internet Explorer
2) Click Tools
3) Click Internet Options
4) Click Connections Tab
5) Click the LAN Settings Button
6) UNCHECK the Automatically Detect Settings box.
7) Make sure nothing else was checked.
8) Restart Internet Explorer

According to them this should work for the time being.

- mp - 05-07-2014 02:31 PM

got the same problem right now.. please help.. thank you.. anyone . please help us any answers please. greatly appreciate it. thanks!