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Why does my Internet Connection(DSL) became slow? - Printable Version

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Why does my Internet Connection(DSL) became slow? - rage_gurl2003 - 05-08-2014 04:31 AM

Last week my internet connection suddenly became VERY SLOW. I'm suppose to be getting 386kbps up to 1mpbs(DSL), but now i think dial up is faster. A problem occured and I had to switch to safe mode and when I tried to surf in safe mode, the connection was fast, back to normal. But why is it that I'm not getting the right bandwidth when im in normal mode? Can please somebody help me..

- ITMAN - 05-08-2014 04:36 AM

Safe Mode is designed to use the very basic of system resources. That's why your internet speed picked up. The good thing is that the problem isn't your actual internet connection, but most likely all the processes running in the back ground that are slowing down your browser program. Stuff that could slow down internet connection is, Anti virus software, Spyware, Mal-ware, Virus, "Bloated" programs.

- Raj - 05-08-2014 04:46 AM

seems to me that some third party software is using a part of your internet perhaps the update itself and something like that. look for any softwares running in the background using the task manager.

try the following also,

1: run internet explorer

2: go to tools--internet options--advanced

3: inside the advanced tab under the browsing option uncheck the option that says "Enable third party browser extensions"

4: Apply & OK.

5: close the internet explorer and run it again.

6: good luck.