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Can't keep friends for very long and everyone says I'm boring!? - Printable Version

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Can't keep friends for very long and everyone says I'm boring!? - Morel - 05-08-2014 04:45 AM

So people at school tell me all the time how boring I am and how quiet I am, like they are kind of mean and seem to be trying to put me down, not just like "oh your so sweet and quiet!" People seem insanely irritated by me, which I don't get bc at least I'm not annoying or mean? I'm always searching for something to say but I can't think of anything or I just space out. I know I'm not boring bc I have so many hobbies and life experiences and sports I've done. I always feel like I'm trying so hard at school and not comfortable, I don't feel very secure friend wise. I've only gotten like this starting in 7th grade(I'm a sophomore now). I'm not sure why bc I used to be really talkative and almost annoying, but I think it may be because I've moved schools 6 times since 5th grade, and I've gotten really worn out on trying to make new friends, and having no consistency. My dad also stopped talking to me, moved to another state, and got married (I found out through my older sisters facebook who I also dont talk to bc she's mean to me, after my dad deleted me as a face book friend, how immature! Haha) my brother constantly misbehaves and creates a lot stress at home, and my mom got divorced from a different guy. I only have aquantances and I haven't had friends over in a year. Lately I just sit in my room and go on the computer and watch TV, and working to save for a car, these have distracted me most of the time from getting panicked, which I used to have panic attacks almost everyday last year and I never knew when I'd get it, there didn't seem to be any specific triggers. Once it was at an ice cream shop and everyone stared at me. I also used to be one of the top runners for XC and track, and now I've lost complete motivation. I just don't know what to do, I feel so alone all the time and I feel desperate and anxious and like I'm running out of time but I don't know what for. Me and my mom are close but I'm so awkward with emotions and don't feel comfortable confiding in her. How can I get out of this rut? Any advice on how I can get past this? Like be engaging in conversations, have steadier friendships, get some more control in my life, etc.
Haha sorry this is kind of a rant, so thanks for reading this and hopefully helping me.

- Firefly Flame - 05-08-2014 04:52 AM

You don't sound boring, to me, at all. But maybe most people your age -- or most people at your school -- can't appreciate what you have to offer. "Hobbies and life experiences" aren't usually what teens are interested in. A lot of them are vapid, self-centered idiots who just want to talk about shoes, music, boys and stupid meaningless crap. (According to my almost-14 yo daughter who can't stand people her age). You're not running out of time, you're on the verge of only just beginning. I think you will find that as you get older, and meet older people, they will be more interested in meaningful, interesting friends like you. You might try making some new friends, maybe some of the quieter kids who everyone thinks are boring, too. They might surprise you. I'd also recommend going back to track or some physical activity. It helps with panic disorder. Search for a group of people who share your passions. For my daughter, her passion is sword fighting, fencing and pirates, and she joined a gym where she gets to hang out with people who have the same interests, the coach even dresses up like a pirate sometimes. If you can't find one IRL, look online. It will help to talk to people who can appreciate the same things you enjoy -- or maybe a panic disorder support group who can understand what you go through -- and you'll feel less alone. I wish you all the best.