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Does this sound like the Republican method of arguing? - Printable Version

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Does this sound like the Republican method of arguing? - 779 - 05-08-2014 07:13 AM

If you can't win, threaten them and then block them on Facebook.

- MeLoisDead - 05-08-2014 07:28 AM

well im sure cons would say "libs always pull the race card when they lose arguments" so in all honesty both parties are immature

- u_bin_called - 05-08-2014 07:43 AM

it actually sounds like adolescent whining...

.... again

- 964 - 05-08-2014 08:00 AM

- Chip - 05-08-2014 08:08 AM

a whole list of libs here have done that very same thing to me right here,,

- Jack - 05-08-2014 08:13 AM

I had a facebook account untill I realized how f@cking moronic it is...I mean here you are on a website that displays all your personal information when any other time you would want to sue someone over it....the most useless waste of time, resources and man power in american history!

- Professor - 05-08-2014 08:20 AM

Anyone who argues with trolls ends up lowering themselves to that of a troll. Which is exactly what the troll wants. Not to attempt to demonstrate their intellectual superiority but rather to bring down those whom he perceives as deserving of his attention to his level of childishness.
Recent studies have also shown that most internet trolls display the basic behavior pattern of a sadist. They enjoy, or derive pleasure from, the misery and/or discomfort of others.

- Grover - 05-08-2014 08:28 AM

I am old enough to remember when the Republican party actually stood for something besides guns and bibles.

Anyway, they're finished, that's why they keep throwing their little tantrums.

They'll hold at the state level (mostly due to gerrymandering), and they'll be be able to hold onto the house for about another 5-10 years, but that will end too.

Just look at their constituency, they have poked through the bottom of the barrel and are now sucking vapour through the opening.

- Mike - 05-08-2014 08:38 AM

The libs and feds couldn't win in Nevada when it counted.

- liberals hate me!! - 05-08-2014 08:45 AM

typical liberal logic dictates that very thing!!!