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Will my fb re-activate after it got disable? - Printable Version

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Will my fb re-activate after it got disable? - 539 - 05-08-2014 08:33 AM

So i was using my fb 2daii & i log out for like 20 minutes ...then when i came back online...i couldnt sign it anymore says ur account has been disable
So i email Fb Team...& they said im fake
So i was wondering Will my fb re-activate after a few days ?
& got any ideas hw to re-activate it?

- JMB - 05-08-2014 08:41 AM

I am working on getting my account restored as well. I am currently disabled too, since March 28th and I have no idea what happened that would have flagged my account to be disabled by the FB Team. Here are a couple of sites that have helpful info:……

I hope these will help you. They gave me good advise with email addresses for where to start making appeals and how to word the info correctly.
Good luck to you. I hope you have much better luck and a quicker response from the facebook team, than I am having.

- eben - 05-08-2014 08:54 AM

Facebook disable my account for no reasons Sad(((
Its been 2 weeks now Sad((((
Not even a reply or any mail.
i had this account since 2007
All they said is that i put fake picture and nudity picture.Common why would i do thatSad(

I don't know what to-do now.
Not even a reply man Sad((
They don't even care about u or Ur face-book what can we do guy Sad(