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Should I add him on Facebook if we've never met...? - Printable Version

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Should I add him on Facebook if we've never met...? - Joanna - 05-08-2014 08:49 AM

So I've never met this guy but i've seen him on Facebook and just wanted to know whether or not I should send him a friend request.
I think he's really cute and would definitely like to be friends with him.
I'd also like to know if I do add him what steps do I take to them become friends with him?
Should I speak to him first and if so what should I say?
How do I get his attention?

- Dizzy - 05-08-2014 08:56 AM

well first off, you're expecting him to add you back. he will probably think you're some creepy girl and ignore you. first i would try to be friends with him in real life, therefore making it less weird that you're adding him on facebook.

- Justin - 05-08-2014 09:11 AM

It really depends. Do you have any mutual friends with him? I think that in the case of two people who have never met in person, you would have more of a chance of getting him to add him back if you had a few mutual friends. Also, is he in a place where you go to? Like, is he in the same school, workplace, etc.

If not, then chances are you shouldn't unless there is a slight chance he might know you as well. Facebook isn't exactly a dating website, so maybe you should check eHarmony. Or you could go get mutual friends, or move to the place he works/goes to school if you're that desperate. Or just give it a shot. Giving it a shot can't hurt that much, can it?