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Ex boyfriend dumped me then slept with a stripper? - Printable Version

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Ex boyfriend dumped me then slept with a stripper? - 335 - 05-08-2014 10:10 AM

He dumped me out of the blue two weeks ago after we've been dating for two months. I met his parents and friends. He treated me like crap in the end. I don't know what I did to make him so angry at me but then he re-friended me on facebook, invited me to his group and kept me as a friend on skype. We agreed to just be friends so I decided to just accept him as a friend, ignore him and move on. I was doing so well until he invited me to one of his new groups which is dedicated to a stripper in town. I thought it was strange that he invited me to be a part of it, like he was trying to make me jealous, then when I look at his instagram he's been posting half nudes of her?! She's lying in a bed etc. I feel so hurt.. Why would he do that? He's been trying to get my attention lately which I don't understand because he was the one who dumped me. What should I do?? I hate him but I still have feelings for him, unfortunately.

- alk - 05-08-2014 10:12 AM

take him back and lick all traces of stripper off him, then hes clean again

- Amanda - 05-08-2014 10:15 AM

wow, what he is doing is so low and disgusting, he isnt worth it! just defriend him and move on !He is a loser

- Shelly M - 05-08-2014 10:16 AM

Please do not look back. You have feelings for someone who treats you like crap ??? Once you find someone who treats you well.. . you will feel silly for even liking this guy. xoxo Friends do not do this. Move on. You can be happy without the mess.

- Hugo - 05-08-2014 10:23 AM

Guys dont just try breaking girls spirits randomly, he must have been told you were cheating on him or somehow felt threatened by a male friend...this seems like revenge....Maybe I am way off the mark but he is definitely doing this in retaliation to something you did to him

- Brian - 05-08-2014 10:39 AM

2 months!?!? Why aren't you married already? He just wants to get dem draws. If you want to let him get dem draws just tell him dat you will let him get dem draws. Then you can let him get dem draws anytime he wants. Then after a while you can make him beg for dem draws.

I think if you let him get dem draws more often you will be closer friends.

- Aimee - 05-08-2014 10:53 AM

Mmm sounds like you're in a tough spot. The fact that he dumped you should already let you know that he is not worth pursuing, and that you should easily be able to let go of your feelings for him. The stripper and half nudie things shouldn't even bother you. Just ignore it. I don't know what he's trying to do, but if you're feeling hurt over all of this that should already be giving you a red flag and telling you that he's a fricken loser who doesn't have a life. You're better than him. From now on, focus on moving on. Hope it gets better! =)

- Lucky - 05-08-2014 11:07 AM

Get over him, why would u still love someone who's like that? He's discussing , obviously doing this to get u jealous. Don't even be friends with him.

- Givemelex - 05-08-2014 11:16 AM

He slept for another woman. What's the point in classifying her occupation? That's just stupid. Do not act like strippers are beneath you.