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I got into a Facebook argument? - Printable Version

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I got into a Facebook argument? - 596 - 05-08-2014 11:26 AM

Okay well I got into an argument on Facebook with a girl who's friends with me, like we know each other in real life. And it was just over that Bundy ranch thing. And a bunch of people were calling me things like stupid and what not. (I sided with the government in that issue, and they just didn't like that) I understand that emotions are high, but I feel like I've ruined my reputation. I just thought we were supposed to stand for something in this country. I wasn't rude, I just stated my opinion on the subject and a few facts and what not. Then it escalated rather quickly. Now people think I'm some jerk.I'm a college student too.

- Carl - 05-08-2014 11:36 AM

Facebook arguments can be pretty annoying, and what seems like ruin your life. You just have to stick with your beliefs, and if people want to be jerks you just have to ignore them.

- Mandy - 05-08-2014 11:41 AM

People that matter won't fault you for being wrong about Bundy Ranch. Wink Forgetaboutit. It's just facebook. People won't remember next Tuesday.