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How to make long chat conversations with people on FB ? - Printable Version

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How to make long chat conversations with people on FB ? - 759 - 05-08-2014 01:30 PM

I always talk to some hot girls that i don't know, i say Hey, How are you, How was your day...then i dont find anything can someone suggest me some topics to say to people (girls) that you wanna make friendship with them on facebook for exemple :

Me: How are you
Her: Fine and you
Me: Fine thanks
Her: ok

Then i don't know what to talk about so please suggest me how do i make very long covertation without making people get bored thanks !!
(sorry for bad english) PLEASE HELP!

- Emma - 05-08-2014 01:36 PM

Play a game like truth or dare or something, ask what they are going to do, would you rather

- Heidi Rotman - 05-08-2014 01:39 PM

I remember this page had some tips on how to interact with people on facebook and how to make good conversations. Check it out here

I hope you can find a solution there.
