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I'm literally bored to tears? - Printable Version

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I'm literally bored to tears? - 661 - 05-08-2014 02:14 PM

I just don't find interest in anything. Not music not fb not android not TV ;-; my laptop's charger has been broken for a while and I cant buy a new one atm. So can you please help me? I feel like death is better than living life with boredom
@John You don't know me to JUDGE me. First I'm 14 and I play bass, play basketball, I enjoy reading and I'm not into all new things of fashion (eggs skinny jeans and stuff). But I have my other life of electronics too. I'm not a troll, I'm just bored and it's late so i can't play basketball (I live in an apartment). I'm not into one direction or JB. Thank you, Mr John (I say Mr because idk how old you are)
Also I'm an old Lego fan so our generation doesn't suck that much.

- john - 05-08-2014 02:27 PM

Wow, I hope you are a troll and that today's youth isn't really like this. Get some new interests other than your tech toys and you won't be bored to tears.

- Alex - 05-08-2014 02:37 PM

Normally I wouldn't encourage this, but you need to find a video game you like, it worked for me when I was younger. Now I just hang out with friends and play video games on my free time.

- king - 05-08-2014 02:53 PM

I'm not interested in anything either because of mental illness but you have a healthy brain and you should just explore the outside world. Join school clubs and sports. Just find something that interests you. Take care and remember that death doesn't solve anything.