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What can i say to my dad? - Printable Version

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What can i say to my dad? - 676 - 05-08-2014 03:54 PM

Basically my dad and mum amd step mum have had a huge argument all over facebook then my friend stuck up for me cause he knows what im going through but my dad started messaging me being all rude i was as well back but i feel bad and just want it gone so how can i say sorry my dad has even deleted me as a friend

- Isabella - 05-08-2014 04:06 PM

Call your dad and apologize. Then take all three parents off FB for the time being. FB is not a good place to air dirty laundry. Speak to your mother separately, and before speaking with your step-mother, check with your dad. This can all be sorted out properly. Proceed with caution; let forgiveness, not anger, be your guide!

- Rose - 05-08-2014 04:22 PM

After you attempt to apologize and your Father doesn't accept the apology and deletes you, then you've done what God's word requires of you, it now falls upon him, he's an adult and should handle this better than what he has, for the Bible also tells us to forsake not the wrath in our child, I'm a parent of adult sons, as a parent it doesn't give me the right to provoke anger or strife with my sons , if strife occurs , the situation should be examined by all involved, sometimes it doesn't matter per say who started it, but let's be big enough to end it in a manner that's not going to linger & carry over & damage our relationships, once something mean has been said or a deed has been done, we can't take it back, that person/persons will always remember it, we should come together and we should apologize on both sides for peace sake, is it worth the damage it may cause? We as adults sometimes make mistakes but we aren't too big to apologize and ask for forgiveness, God forgave us.