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How can I really make my Facebook profile private to people I'm not friends with? - Printable Version

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How can I really make my Facebook profile private to people I'm not friends with? - bee - 05-08-2014 04:50 PM

So I've done all the privacy settings that I can find yet my Facebook profile still seems fairly public to people I'm not friends with. When I click on certain profiles of other people I haven't friended, there profiles are completely private. You can't click to enlarge their cover photo or profile picture, and you can't view any of their pictures. Also their timeline is blank; it doesn't show any of their activity. I want mine to be just like that. I know it's not like that because I've seen it on a different device when I wasn't logged in to my own account. I've been through my privacy settings multiple times and nothing seems to help. What do I do to make it private like the profile I described? And yes, I realize that social media isn't meant to be private, and if I can't make my profile as private as the ones I have come across, I will just inactivate it.

- Empire539 - 05-08-2014 04:54 PM

In your privacy settings, try the following settings (if they're not already set to those values):

In "Privacy" > Who Can See My Stuff > select "Friends"
If you want, you can also choose to "Limit Past Posts" so that any posts that were previously Public or set to Friends-of-friends will be set to just Friends.

In "Timeline and Tagging" > Who can see things on my timeline? > Who can see what others post on your timeline, select "Friends"
> Who can see posts you've been tagged in on your timeline, choose "Friends" (or a tighter setting)

Note that you can use the "View as" function to view your profile as a public person, or as another friend.

- abraXus - 05-08-2014 04:59 PM

here's a guide that explains all the settings

- Solution - 05-08-2014 05:03 PM

Just be go to your setting panel and make change to your privilege to private.