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She loves me but has a boyfriend? - Printable Version

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She loves me but has a boyfriend? - 672 - 05-08-2014 07:21 PM

I'm 17 she's almost 16. Basically we've been speaking nearly 2months, she lives 45minutes away we haven't met yet. But we basically text 24/7 and speak on the phone or on Skype every night she's actually amazing she likes what I like shes everything I like in a girl. I care about her so much and she's the same for me she says how amazing perfect I am etc, we always say we like eachother instead of love eachother but she's accidentally told me she loves me a few times. We agreed to say 'I like you' until we meet up cause saying i love you to someone you've never met feels weird for me. So yeah we basically have been in a relationship for 2months not official of anything cause we haven't met then yesterday i was looking at who she follows on Instagram and saw a guy who uploaded a picture with her saying they're bf/gf and have been for 11months. So I confronted her and she rang me instantly admitted everything told me how she feels basically her relationship was on the rocks when I showed interest and she didn't mean to fall for me. And she actually tryed telling me she had a boyfriend one night on the phoneshe sai Callum I have a boyfriend And I reacted what are you serious like anyone would and she said she was joking. So she tryed to tell me but couldn't because she was scared of losing me.

Now I don't know what to do? I wish I could cut her off but I can't I care about her to much. So what do i do? All opinions are helpful sorry it's long

- Steve11 - 05-08-2014 07:24 PM

You haven't slept in 2 months? Wow.

- Mathew - 05-08-2014 07:26 PM

Ud be wrong to pry her from her boyfriend but ur half way through so might aswell go for it, convince her to leave him and get with u

- Tanqueray - 05-08-2014 07:30 PM

Sweety you look at a person's actions. Shes with the one she likes/ loves. You need to move on

- Timothy - 05-08-2014 07:44 PM

If she likes you just as much as you like her she would leave her boyfriend for you. Say its either me or him

- MM - 05-08-2014 07:49 PM

Dude, I don't care how much time you've spent Skyping: you don't know this girl well enough to care about her the way you think you do. She's been hiding a huge chunk of her life from you the entire time you've known her. You have no idea what else she's kept from you in the interest of keeping you around as an escape fantasy. You have no idea how long she would have kept hiding it if you hadn't forced her hand. And make no mistake, if she felt the same way you do about her, she would have ended her current relationship without needing to meet you in person because she wouldn't have been worried about losing him if things didn't work out. Cut your losses and let this go, or you're asking for even more pain.