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what does he want from me?! please read im exhausted? - Printable Version

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what does he want from me?! please read im exhausted? - elizabeth - 05-08-2014 09:34 PM

please help me and take the time to read this. i need someone to help me. my ex boyfriend and i just broke up. We've broken up 2 times and we started going out 2 years ago. so during those 2 years weve broken up twice. the first time he told me was because he wasnt happy with himself. 3 months pass and he gets back with me. we stay together for 5 months and he found out during the 3 months of me being single, i had sex with my ex boyfriend before him. he broke up with me because it hurt him. so recently we started dating again and started as a couple again for about a month. he told me, he couldnt see me the same anymore. and so i said okay im going to move foward with my life.and leaving what we had in the past. and he replied " youre really doing this?" so i told him what are we then and he replied the next day, i just cant see you the same anymore. ive always wanted to work things out with you because i love you so damn but but i just see you different. so i agreed and didnt text him back. i texted him the next day at 7 am if i could pick up my moms expensive pan from him and he said " yeah no worries Smile " i replied "okk" one hour later he replied "have a great day<3" and i didnt respond. i texted him back at around 2 p.m ish saying so what time would be good for you? he said ill be home around 330. i responded i have a couple jobs to look at so ill be there after. he said okay i replied okk back and he said goodluck. i didnt text back and he calls me at around 330 asking if i can pick him up from somewhere. i think he wanted to hang out rather than me just pick up the pan. so i answered and told him i dont know when im going to be done. he said its okay take your time. so time goes by and he calls again asking if i was almost there and i said " i told you i dont know when im going to be done" he said " should i just go home then?" and i said yeah. he went home and 15 min went by. he calls me again asking me if i was almost there. i said in a bit. he said in how long? i said in a bit and he asked in how much longer? i said 15 min. he said ok i will see you there. so when i get there he comes up to my car passes me the pan and leans on my car so i dont leave asking me how it went and i said good. i was just giving him short answers. so he asked if i wanted to hang out and so we arked next to his house and i said what do you wanna do and he said anything and time went by and he kept saying " why does it seem like you dont wanna talk to me?" and i said no its not that. and i said ok well im gonna go cause were not really doing anything. and he said why? i want to hangoutwith you. and i said and do what he said lets go to the park. so we go to the park and its cold and he brings up old memories from the ast and we get in the car again because its cold and i tell him im going to leave and he said i want to hangout with you. but then i just droped him off. he said goodluck. i left. the next day we didnt speak. but the day after that he texted me askingme if i can help him find a jobb . i didnt reply and he texting me again and said "i take that as a no thanks" and ever since then hes been such an idiot on facebook saying hes going to the club or saying hes gonna "have a lot of bitches in his car" i know this is annoying but i just need someone to guide me and tell me whats going on. does he want to be with me? what does he want from me? somebody please help.

- Hannah - 05-08-2014 09:47 PM

It sounds like he wants to get back together with you but maybe he doesn't want to be the one to try and fix things. With you only giving him short answers or him feeling like you didn't want to talk to him, he probably felt like he would be wasting his time if he asked you out again.

- tea ali - 05-08-2014 10:00 PM

You should have just got your mom's pan, said good bye, and drove off.

It seems that he wants you to continue to be at his beck and call (...transportation...employment agent...break up...make Maybe he thought you weren't serious about breaking up. I mean, when he asked "youre really doing this?" you should have said 'yes' instead of "what are we then". You have basically told him that even though he said he doesn't see you the same anymore (probably meaning he doesn't trust you), you are still open to being in a relationship with him? Now he's mad because you won't give him the attention he wants. If your intent is to end the relationship, say that to him in as plainly as you can, whether through text or with a phone call, and then block him on all of your social media (including Facebook) and your phone so that you're not continuing to keep yourself tied to him. Hopefully doing those things will really help you to move on.

And if you choose to stick around, never forget that trust can be difficult to regain once it's lost. If he doesn't trust you, he doesn't really love you.