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Should I say good bye to her before I unfriend her on FB? Or Should I even unfriend her at all? - Printable Version

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Should I say good bye to her before I unfriend her on FB? Or Should I even unfriend her at all? - 603 - 05-09-2014 12:09 AM

Basically this girl who I use to be best friends with a year ago ignored me several times when I talked to her or posted on her wall on FB recently. I also tried talking to her on skype or through IM and such.

She is a long distance friend and we were best friends for like 2 years till we stopped talking. We use to talk and cam everyday and it was fun. But now it's obvious she doesn't consider me as a friend anymore because she ignores me.

Should I unfriend her? No point in being friends with someone who ignores. If I do should I drop a message like saying how I know you don't consider me as a friend anymore but you were my best friend and best of luck to you in life?

What do you guys think? I know unfriend seems a bit too much but REALLY what is the point if the person doesn't even respond to you.

p.s she is clearly ignoring me

- KaylaC - 05-09-2014 12:18 AM

if i was you i would send her an email on fb saying that you feel as if she is ignoring you and that you don't understand why she is ignoring and that you would like an explanation by the end of the week and if you don't receive one then you will be unfriending her. that way she gets a chance to defend herself if she really wants to be your friend and you also get to warn her about unfriending her on fb. best of luck