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What happens when someone turns off Facebook chat? - Printable Version

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What happens when someone turns off Facebook chat? - 513 - 05-09-2014 02:06 AM

I have been speaking to my friend on fb a lot recently and sometimes she replies, but she is very busy most of the time. However, tonight she liked a friends page and added someone as a friend. During that whole time, the phone icon next to her name hadn't changed, not even the time since she was last online. I really hope she isn't blocking me as I get along with her really well and I have a crush on her. One of my other friends has her on FB as well but has never talked to her on it. He clicked on message icon and the phone icon appeared.
Could it be a simple case that she doesn't want to talk to anyone right now?
Could it be that she is blocking me, since I send her a lot of messages?
Can she still read my messages even if she happened to mute me on FB chat?

I hope this doesn't sound creepy. I really like her and get along with her well.

- Ryan - 05-09-2014 02:14 AM

You need to settle down, and yes, this behavior on your part is creepy.

Maybe she doesn't want to talk every five seconds. So be it, move on.

- Daniel - 05-09-2014 02:25 AM

When Someone Turns off Facebook Chat They Are Still Online But They Go Offline For Chat And They Wont Show up On the Chat List

- R. J. - 05-09-2014 02:39 AM

That's obsession, man. But i think, given what you've did, she did turned off her chat messenger specifically for you (Facebook has that feature).

If you want to get her heart, court her in physical world. Reaching her heart online is not manly.

Do something else than chatting her online. Take action, give her something. Something she wants - it could be books instead of flowers, a tour instead of dinner date, anything that might make her feel being taken care of.

Best of luck to you.
