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main differentiate between email marketing and social media marketing? - Printable Version

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main differentiate between email marketing and social media marketing? - Kathrine - 05-09-2014 02:53 AM

- rabina - 05-09-2014 03:05 AM

Email Marketing is:

Email marketing is a way to reach consumers directly via electronic mail. Unlike spam, direct email marketing reaches those interested in your business’ area of expertise. The information is sent out more like a laser-guided missile than a bomb: No matter what you’re selling, it is a way to reach thousands of potential customers directly at a relatively low cost when compared to advertising or other forms of media exposure. It brings your business’ message through an attractive mix of graphics, text and links directly to people who may have never heard of your business or considered your products, but are knowledgeable and interested in your business’ area of expertise.

Social Media Marketing:

The definition of social mediamarketing is hard to truly describe, but a popular definition says that it is the methodical use of marketing with other technological concepts and techniques to achieve specific goals for a company. In simple terms social marketing, means building a business through many different media, like viral videos and blogs, social networking websites (Myspace, Facebook etc) because these give your company exposure.

- Joe - 05-09-2014 03:18 AM

Social media marketing uses articles, videos, press releases, social networking and blog updates and is designed to get you to the top of the search engine sites so that you generate more traffic and capture more leads. E-mail marketing is designed to turn those leads into buyers.
this is social media marketing that is turn-key, automated, and done for you. Hope this helps