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How to remove all google chrome data from Mac.? - Printable Version

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How to remove all google chrome data from Mac.? - T3rminat0r - 05-09-2014 06:26 AM

I want to do a fresh install of google chrome. I have removed my "Google" folder from my mac and deleted the Google chrome .app file from my applications folder. However when I reinstall it all my previous data is still there... how do I permanently remove it all?

- Joe - 05-09-2014 06:39 AM

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome (this is probably what you're looking for)
Probably some logs ~/Library/Logs/

Keystone: Google has an update system called Keystone.
I ran this Terminal (Applications > Utilities) command "mdfind -name keystone" (without quotes and you can obviously substitute what you want for it to find.) Do not though that if what you are looking for is two words, you must insert a \. (eg. "google\ chrome") Also note: a lot of these files aren't really clear as to what they update, so they may be updating google earth. It also isn't a great idea to be tampering outside of your home folder if you don't have a good idea what you are doing, as it's not too hard to crash something.
