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I think I am losing my best friend over money.? - Printable Version

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I think I am losing my best friend over money.? - C - 05-09-2014 07:00 AM

I met my best friend during Freshman year of HS. Now we are Freshman in College and I think we are falling apart. To put our relationship into one word, it'd be brothers. Whatever he'd partake I'd probably be right with him. Me and him always thought of ways to make money and such, and would always hang out and think nothing of it since it was natural to us. Until recently he's been distant due to him taking part in a MLM business. We both went to "an informational event" that a mutual friend invited us to. Looking back at it I wish we had never went. I really don't see any success in MLM and he didn't too initially, but a week went by and he hinted that he say something in it. That was over 2 weeks ago, which is the last time I've really had a conversation with him. I had to find out through social media that he now has a "team" and is taking this MLM stuff seriously. He's supposed to make a ton of money and whatever, and I really hope he does, but I did not think that meant stop communicating with me. It's killing since that's literally like a brother to me, and I feel horrible about it. I can't even talk to him about, I don't know why since it looks like he doesn't want me in his life anymore. Any advice or tips. I think once he stops this MLM thing he'll be back, but I feel bad since I feel like I'm wishing him failure, which I'm not. But i want things to be like they used to.
Thanks to everyone that read it all.
@Liz - it's like he doesn't want to communicate. I suppose you're right. Guess it's life....
@Chris, you really think MLM isn't something good to take part in?

- Liz - 05-09-2014 07:15 AM

it's normal for people to drift apart, you should give him his space if he needs it and do your own thing. if he thinks you are too into the relationship and it is a distraction from his making money then you should respect that. make your own money, have something worth catching up about in a year or two when he might be ready to resume your friendship. other than that just stay in touch online, there's so many options, facebook, twitter, etc. i don't know how anyone ever feels apart.

- chris3fike - 05-09-2014 07:31 AM

MLM is not a business. The definition of a business is a system that generates money over the long term. Long term means one year or more. To make it even simpler, a business must be willable since the income will keep coming in month after month for years even decades after you die. In all MLM's the money dries up within a few months after your death, so essentially your buddy is now trying to be self employed. There won't be much money in it and he'll learn the hard way in probably less than a year. Give him time to make his mistakes and just be supportive, don't bring up the MLM. If he brings it up, just tell him that you know that it's important to him, that you want him to be successful in his endeavor and then change the damn subject by asking him a question about something else, like sports. You both don't have to share all the same interests, but show no negativity about his venture into self employment, because your friendship is going to last longer than his interest in the MLM.