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Why was Trayvon Martin's death more important than the deaths of others? - Printable Version

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Why was Trayvon Martin's death more important than the deaths of others? - MortalGuardian - 05-09-2014 07:13 AM

Let's compare apples and apples here. Let's say that the shooter had been black, and that the victim also had been black. What was so unique about the Martin case?

Does the media use political correctness to push its own agenda? Why was this event transformed into a heated political issue, and by whom was it transformed?

Why is the life of a young black teenager more important than that of a young person of another race? Isn't that precisely what we are saying when we make such a big deal out of unfortunate events like with Martin? I thought that we live in America, where people are supposed to be treated equally. Why give special treatment to an individual who just happens to be a member of a certain race, social class, economic status, sexuality, gender, age, body type, sex, or other factor?

Please permit me to say this, however. I honestly do think that it is a sad tragedy that Trayvon Martin was killed. Perhaps the truth is that both Martin and Zimmerman could have made better choices, and it might have had a different result.

Your response?

- Vintage Tortoise - 05-09-2014 07:27 AM

Why was Trayvon Martin's death more important than the deaths of others? >> It isn't ... some people just get stuck on stupid ! This is politics - HOW !?!

- Liberals Rulez - 05-09-2014 07:37 AM

Because if Obama had a son, he would look like Trevon, man.

- The Man - 05-09-2014 07:47 AM

The left and the 2nd amendment net Sayers made it so

- GaiaRama - 05-09-2014 08:00 AM

It's because the media sensationalized the event by claiming that race and the stand your ground law were factors. I realize that neither were actual factors, but in my mind it speaks volumes about how people feel about vigilante justice. Apparently it allows people to murder without questions or investigations.

- McNamara - 05-09-2014 08:12 AM

The PC leftist buffoons who sensationalized all this saw only one factor: Martin was black and Zimmerman wasn't. The facts of what actually happened that night don't matter to them.

- J - 05-09-2014 08:14 AM

thugvon's death wasn't important at all, except to preserve the life of George Zimmerman, a law abiding (mostly) neighborhood watchman who was doing his job. its a shame that thugvon attempted to murder GZ.

who am I kidding? its no shame thugvon was killed. it saved taxpayers years of paying for his prison incarceration & numerous little n1glets he would have fathered out of wedlock & draining more money via welfare to the woman stupid enough to get knocked up by him.

- Sageandscholar - 05-09-2014 08:24 AM

The difference was that the shooter was initially not even charged with the death of an unarmed man.
You obsessing about the race of the victim is missing the point entirely. A shooting death should automatically require a proper investigation - not a conclusion of self defense just because the shooter said it was.