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I asked out a Mormon? Should I continue with it? - Printable Version

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I asked out a Mormon? Should I continue with it? - Frostbit Yeti - 10-15-2012 09:35 PM

Okay, I am a sophomore in Highschool and yesterday I asked a cute girl to a movie, she gave me her number and I texted hey but no reply. I couldn't tell she was Mormon until I looked at her Facebook page. I also have a brief understanding that Mormons (more specifically LDS) might try to convert other boyfriends etc. I am not all that religious and never actually got baptized by the church I went to for a couple of years. Should I continue with the date or stop before something bad happens?

- GuardPlaya - 10-15-2012 09:43 PM

Don't be so shallow and paranoid.

If you like her, and she was good enough to see past all your imperfections to say yes to a date then you should be grateful she even said yes.

Don't be a jerk and judge the girl by her religion.

- Daniel - 10-15-2012 09:43 PM

You should continue with it. It would not be so kind to decide to tell her that you don't want to anymore when you're the one who asked her out. It is especially not a good excuse to stop a date just because she has a different religion. You should at least follow up with this date, you don't have to do more, but it would be courteous to follow up with it. Unless she is not 16,-LDS aren't supposed to date before they are 16- you should continue with the date. If she isn't 16 and you really want to get out of this date, then one thing you could do that probably won't hurt her feelings is tell her you wouldn't want her to do something against her church standards just for you.

- Ammon - 10-15-2012 09:43 PM

Let me sit you down and talk some sense to you young man.

There is nothing (NOTHING) worse than Mormons. Let me explain why. Oh it is a very very scary tale I have to tell.

Mormons give more money to charity than any other group of people in the world, and no other group of people in the world is even the same ballpark, according to income tax returns.

Now is that scary scary (scary scary) or what??? Oh but it gets worse. Much worse. Mormons are not only the most charitable people on Earth, they are also the most chaste people in the free world.

Frightening isn't it. Oh the horror, the horror.
Members of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints
are more charitable than any other people in the world, and Latter Day Saints are the most celibate before marriage and the most loyal after marriage of any group of people in the free world.

It gets worse even. Mormons believe in keeping the commandments of Jesus Christ. They don't believe in using legal drugs or abusing legal drugs, or drinking alcohol.

Now what fun is that??? How are you ever going to get your freak on, when you can't knock the girl out with alcohol and legal drugs and illegal drugs??? Oh how frightening those Mormons are.

They don't get drunk and they don't drive your younger sister or brother down and run them over on a Friday night with their car after drinking at the local bar.

This is scary stuff we are talking about. Tell you what. You know what??? Just push the panic button. You have my permission. Just begin foaming at the mouth, and go run in the street and take your clothes off and yell to everyone you can, that Mormons are really really frightening.

Have a conniption fit. Go ahead. That is what you are feeling. That is what you want to do. Warn your neighbors. There are Mormons in the area, and they refuse to drive drunk and run other people down like they are dogs.

There. Now that's how you do it.

Rationality. Sensibility. Throw that all out the window. Because Mormons give more money to charity than anyone, and that makes you and people like you crazy with hatred. The same kind of hatred that they had against the early Saints, and against Jesus Christ.

But that's O.K. to be an insane nut that is afraid of his own pale shadow. Go ahead and live like that. And join the ignoramuses in their hate and their hatred of saints, and in their hatred ultimately of themselves, and in their love of their own futile ignorance.

Then again if you ever want to join Mormons who believe in celebrating life not the sins of the world you can, but then again, isn't it funner to get your freak on, and spread venereal disease far and wide, because hey, that is what Non-Mormons are good at doing (let's be honest, we both know the truth, don't we).

Or not. Your choice. Your life and your eternal destiny is what you choose for it to be. You can choose hatred, ignorance, stupidity, and cupidity, or you can choose enlightenment, and you can choose to believe all that is good and true and holy and righteous in the Universe.

Your path is your own choice. No one can choose for you. Only you can choose to be brave. Only you can choose to not be a complete and total pathetic loser coward who can barely tie his own shoes, let alone makes sensible choices about who they let in to be part of their circle of friends.

Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, God or Mammon. Goodness...

or wickedness. What is good to God, and what is good to you, are obviously two entirely separate and different things altogether. Chat.

God bless.

- Karen - 10-15-2012 09:43 PM

First of all go ahead with the Date she will not try and convert you. Just me mindful of what kind of movie you are going to see members of the church watch good clean movies not rated R ones. She probably go busy and that is why maybe she didn't text you back. If you are worried then maybe get some friends to go with you and her and maybe invite her friends to.