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Problem with my internet connections...? - Printable Version

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Problem with my internet connections...? - girl - 05-09-2014 10:09 AM

so i got this dell laptop, gettin prety slow and my family doesnt register or care to fix shiz. so whenever i click the 'e' button, it will say theres some problem and it will x out when i click the 'close program' thingy pop up. what i do do is turn off the internet connection, then press the 'e' interenet button, then turn on the internet connection sliding thing, then go to whatever site i go to. but it wont let me have more then one tab, if i do, it will do exactly what happens when i first want to go on the internet, pop up, close program, then repeat.
so i think ya, my comps infected, but i CANT BUY anything to fix it, is there any free shiz i can use for protection of viruses or whatever, nothing big brother buying or of fuggin charge....and if that be not the case why my internet is sucking, then what may be the problem and how can i fix it....
any help will be appreciated. thank you for your time.
oh i forgot to add, my lap heats up i think most do....and if not, why do i have this lap top.
so i have a book (that wont blow up in flame) that i put under it, and i would have to adjust it to make this stupid device breath and cool what and where and please help with some advice about faning or any device that can cool down my lappy top....i feel like i ask to much...but im personaly depressed and thought this was a fast way to get a answer...thanks anyone

- Liam Scott - 05-09-2014 10:17 AM

It may be a virus or it may be some other fault with the computer or the internet connection itself. try connecting the laptop to the internet through WiFi and then through cable (ethernet) and seeing if it changes the connection. also use a web browser like Google Chrome or Safari (they are the best and fastest in the world). now if it IS a virus i recommend the free software AVG free ( i use it on both of my PC's and they work as good (if not better) than Norton Antivirus and Trend Micro Pro

if none of this helps its best to talk to a support person from Dell or from your ISP (internet service provider)

- Nameless - 05-09-2014 10:18 AM

That "E" is internet explorer and it may jsut be that the program is screwed up instead go get firefox at as for speed issues it may jsut be old or needs memory freed up (uninstalling usekess garbage such as old games and such but be careful not to uninstall items needed by the computer so if its really technical seeming dont touch it) and maybe a defragment is in order in control panel to make sure everything gets put into place for the computer to have "easy access" to data but just start with firefox browser and unless your kinda nerdy and know what your doing dont uninstall nothing without asking someone that knows the subject matter.