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Help with a girl that may like me back? - Printable Version

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Help with a girl that may like me back? - 633 - 05-09-2014 01:24 PM

So there are multiple signs that this girl likes me, but I will only list the ones that happened today.

So there is this girl that I have liked for a couple of years. I've talked to her before but not lately.

Today, I got some courage and talked to her. I talked about the book that I noticed we were both reading (I know, kind of lame right, I couldn't think of anything else). As I started talking to her, I noticed that she started blushing and she sounded a bit nervous. Just like her, I am pretty sure my face was really red and I was sounding really nervous too.

During that class, the conversation was after class, she was passing out papers. She would always stop in front of my desk to read who the paper was (not sure if it was on purpose or not). When she gave me my, she dropped a bunch of papers on my desk. (Same thing as before). She also went to do something and she walked by my desk really slow, and she sort of stopped in front of my desk and pulled up her jeans. (Same thing)

Later today at lunch, I went to go throw something near her table along with her friends. As I was turning away, I noticed one of them point at me, and then they all looked at me (group of 4-5).

How can I start up more conversations and not be totally nervous when talking to her? Also, do you think she likes me? What are other ways that I can show her that I like her without talking to her? And how can I get her number?


- ? - 05-09-2014 01:27 PM

She totally likes you! Some ways to show her you like here are just look at her and smile, start random conversations with her. Ask her to have lunch with you. Maybe ask her about a homework assignment and ask if you can work together and get her number that way. This might sound stalkerish but try finding her on Facebook, twitter, Instagram whatever you use and ask for her number on their. She will definitely know you like her if you add her on social media if you don't already have her.