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Why the frig do teen girls have to be so hard to get along with? - Printable Version

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Why the frig do teen girls have to be so hard to get along with? - 688 - 05-09-2014 01:28 PM

Lot of the time lately some teen girls have been really ignorant and pig headed, like for example when I sometimes go for a walk downtown, I notice that some teen girls look the other way when they see me and that really pisses me off/gets me down inside and also quite a few chicks used to crack onto me, chat me up on facebook last year in particular, but these days lately (so far this year) I haven't had any luck with any chicks, why the hell would this be, why are teen girls doing this to me more lately (ignoring me as if I'm a complete nobody), because honestly I absolutely love it when a hot girl checks me out, could anyone help me out please ? And serious answers too

And no nasty comments or you will be reported.

- ;PP - 05-09-2014 01:38 PM

I'm a teen girl, gonna be a sophmore soon and I find this question headed toward one group of teen girls who like to drink and party and all that.You said get along with. Well, it seems that your description is about them not checking you out and there is no actual conflict. If less girls are talking to you this year, maybe evaluate the changes you've made. I doubt that they mean to. If I'm walking with a friend I don't go omg I'm totally not gonna look at him. There probably are a lot of cute or average looking girls who look at you but you don't notice bc your probably too busy worrying about the hotter girls. I really didn't think guys worried about this

- Jason Limes - 05-09-2014 01:45 PM

Girls have better panoramic eye vision then boys, they can do a up down of your body without even looking at you. Girls have godly powers you know? Guys have tunnel vision so we have to move our entire head to look a girl up down. That makes it really obvious.