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With all the naked pictures you can find on the internet, why does my boyfriend feel the need to? - Printable Version

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With all the naked pictures you can find on the internet, why does my boyfriend feel the need to? - Professional - 10-15-2012 09:42 PM

stir up conversations with new girls and girls he already knows and request sexy pictures of them?

Please answer the question above......but there is more to the issue, which i invite u to comment on.....
I am an attractive, mature, intelligent, generous person who is admired by myself and others. I'm not naive. I also would never disrespect my partner. I am very committed and dedicated when in a relationship and help my partner to fulfill their dreams. However, the last 2 serious relationships I have been in, I have at some point found the guys texting with females in inappropriate ways. Yes, I did find out because of skimming through text messages if i was in possession of their phone with their knowledge and skimming through messages if they leave their facebook page up.

So do all guys do this and it is just my fault because i invaded their privacy....or is there another issue at hand? Otherwise my current relationship is great and we plan to get married. We live together, are building a non-profit organization together, and have much potential for a wonderful future together. I also have a child that he takes in as his own. I just hate being disrespected because i would never do that to my man. And i know plenty of women that have cheating men when things look good to them.

Also, he said some conversations that were normal, but a little too good morning and good night too often.......some convos with an ex that we had issues with in the past and he told me he wouldnt associate with her anymore........Last time tis happened about 6 months ago, there were PLENTY more inappropriate conversations.....we had a mature conversation about it and i felt he cared about my stance on it.....This time there were only a couple i saw.
I am 26 going on 27. He is 24 going on 25. Is this appropriate? Should i expect a guy not to do this?

- Stephanie - 10-15-2012 09:50 PM

He's engaging in very inappropriate behavior. Why would you want to put up with that?

- Latin G - 10-15-2012 09:50 PM

yes, we all do it.. it's like a sport.... you can't imagine how many horny 20 yr olds are out there...

by the way..... so how about it?? you didn't think i wasn't gonna ask you?

Email me ; )

- Ivory Keys - 10-15-2012 09:50 PM

No, this is not appropriate. A man who respects his woman would not engage in this behavior, much less make it readily available for her to see. I would worry about this if you are not married yet. Saying vows will not change anything.

Edit - Yes, you should expect a guy not to do this. I have been with my husband for over three years and I have never once observed this behavior from him. He and I share all of our passwords for the internet, facebook, and the our phones. I have seen all of his texts and emails and he mine, and never has this been an issue. However, I did also know him as a friend before we got together, and he was not the type to behave that way even when single.

- Fanaticalrifle906 - 10-15-2012 09:50 PM

No,not all guys do that. Since you talked to him about it and he still continues to do it, you should seriously rethink your relationship with him. I would be beyond pissed at my husband and sure as hell probably wounldn't stay.

- Serene E - 10-15-2012 09:50 PM

He's cheating on you by wanting sexy pics of other girls. flirting with them. CHEATING!!!!! ON!! YOU!!!!
This isn't right, this isn't fair, this isn't normal behavior. He shouldn't be talking to other girls, of course he shouldn't ask for sexy pics from other girls.

These guys are cheating whores, dear. They're worthless human beings to do this while in a relationship. Our society teaches guys this is the way to behave so alot of guys do this kind of crap.
Move out, get away from him because he won't stop. Guaranteed, he's still doing it.