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Ps3 Internet connection help?!?!?!? - Printable Version

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Ps3 Internet connection help?!?!?!? - 773 - 05-09-2014 06:09 PM

My ps3 Internet connection is slow and i was just wondering why?
My connection speeds are : download 8.0 Mbps and upload 324 Kbps
These are pretty good but it takes me a long time to sign in or look for an online match on call of duty please help ... I have a netgear router btw

- Anonymo - 05-09-2014 06:16 PM

Proximity to the wireless access point or router, as well as physical obstructions, can affect the quality of your Internet connection. To improve your connection speed, move closer to the access point and make sure that there are no physical obstructions between the access point and your this case your game console. other factors could include have internet traffic, many people might try to visit the site at the same time. If the website isn't prepared to handle the traffic, you might encounter delays. if you have your using someone else Wi-Fi or if some other people are using your net gear router Wi-Fi that could also slow your internet connection.