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Which laptop/netbook/tablet should I get? - Printable Version

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Which laptop/netbook/tablet should I get? - 595 - 05-09-2014 08:01 PM

1. Whats the difference between a laptop/ netbook/ notebook and a tablet( that runs on the same OS, not taking the weight and size of a tablet into consideration.)

2. What laptop (I'll just use this term to refer to a "portable computer" that I'm looking for) runs Google Chrome, Microsoft Office, and Itunes? (is that too much to ask for?)

3. What is the price range for such laptops? (Is there any that falls under the $500 category- i guess laptops dont really count anymore)

4. Whats the difference between RAM and a hard drive?

I'm not especially tech-savvy so please use layman terms. Thank you!

- Linds - 05-09-2014 08:04 PM

For starters laptop and notebooks are one in the same. Secondly netbooks are a thing of the past thanks to tablets and iPads.

Any laptop can run itunes, office and chrome. So you can get a computer for under $500 and it will run all three of those no problem. If you want something for gaming your going to have to go up more.

Ram is the computer memory to run processor and programs. The hard drive is where you data is store, along with the operating system and program install files.

- phytema16 - 05-09-2014 08:08 PM

I like this one

- john - 05-09-2014 08:12 PM

a laptop/notebook and netbook are different. a netbook is smaller, has inferior graphics and processor compared to a notebook and also is able to hold and read more ram.laptops are 13 inch or more in sizze,netbooks are smaller than that.
any laptop can run those programs you listed,but dont spend money on ms office.fewer people use it every day because they are better free programs. i use this saves files in office format.
and laptop ram is liek your consciousness,allows you to run programs on your laptop. so if you have two gb ram, it means you cant open as many programs or run as many demanding programs. the standard is 4 gb, but more than that will ensure you have no worries with what you do. you can often get ram cheaply as local computer shops used.will usually put it in for free as obviously thats another way netbooks are limited, they are small and cant handle as much ram as a notebook/laptop. your hard drive is the memory of your computer,where the OS and files are stored.
as for which laptop to get,contact me and i can help you find what your looking for in terms of price and size,
oh,as for same OS, i assume you mean windows 8. windows 8 is very unpopular on computers because it is designed for tablets/phones. even so there are differences between the OS as the hardware on a tablet is not nearly as good as a computer. so you shouldnt expect to run programs on a tablet like a computer.