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Ebay Trouble, Please Help!? - Printable Version

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Ebay Trouble, Please Help!? - Sedber - 05-09-2014 09:28 PM

I Recently started to use eBay, and have been successful in buying several items, but not one of them has turned up yet, it has been 23 days since i paided and I have been given Feedback and they have 'Posted the Items'.

They also have a fair amount (40+) Of possative feedback,

What should I do?????
One Has 100% Possative
The other 99.8% Possative

- Tony - 05-09-2014 09:32 PM

have you contacted the seller and ask him/her where the items are? if they have been sent then you by recorded -registered mail then you need to ask for the RM code so you can track them to see where they are

If the seller did not send them by registered then i think your out of luck. you could put a dispute in with paypal

- lilly4321 - 05-09-2014 09:34 PM

only buy from people with 100% feedback!!! maybe a little less...

write to them, tell them if they dont refund your money then you will report them and they will lose their ebay account

- Jo W - 05-09-2014 09:48 PM

I'm assuming these items are coming from your home country, not from abroad? Contact the seller to say you've not received the items.

If they don't offer to replace or refund, open a dispute via ebay. You'll get your money back provided you followed the guidelines for buyer protection.

- DavidK - 05-09-2014 09:58 PM

You say that you have bought "several" items, but none of them have turned up. You may be unlucky in that one or two items get lost in the post, but "several" is too much of a coincidence! Are you sure that your address details are correct? Contact the sellers and let them know that the items have not arrived. If they have sent them by a trackable method, they can make enquiries. You can always open up a 'not received' dispute with eBay.

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- Spiny Norman - 05-09-2014 10:15 PM

As a buyer you have full protection and will get a refund from PayPal if the items do not arrive.
On the flip side sellers have no such protection and will loose their money and the item!!
For this reason many Ebayers are now leaving.

- lola - 05-09-2014 10:27 PM

Check to see when the item was expected to get to your residence. If the item is coming from China or somewhere, then it will obviously take longer. It should say when you view the item you bought. Then if it is past that date of recommendation, contact the sellers and ask for a tracking number or a refund. If you didn't pay anything for shipping, chances are it was sent the cheapest way possible which is also the slowest and least reliable way possible.