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twitter ?????????????? - HEE-UGE ♫Dolly Parton♫ Fan!!!! - 10-15-2012 09:53 PM

is there any way to like... message someone you are following ? thanksSmile

- gallade50 - 10-15-2012 10:01 PM

Go to the person's profile, and there should be a link on the right side.
I think that's how.

- BodyByChocolates - 10-15-2012 10:01 PM

With Twitter their are public and private messages.

Public messages start with an "@" while private messages start with a "D" or "DM." People can only receive Direct Messages if they are following you.

Many people pay little attention to their DM's because of all the auto DM spam that is part of that process. That's why @BodyByChocolate usually strives to send a public "@" letting the recipient know that they have received a private "DM."

I hope that helps

- jalice - 10-15-2012 10:01 PM

You can type "@username message" as your status and that will get sent to them, but it's a public message that anyone can see.

To direct message someone go to their profile and you should see a button to send them a private message. To do this, you have to be following them and they have to be following you. Otherwise, it won't work.

- herovinero - 10-15-2012 10:01 PM

You can message anyone if he follows you, it calls DM - direct messages, it is located on the right menu of your twitter account. Click on any user, then click on direct message, write any message.