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Roki Streaming / WWE Network HELP!!!? - Printable Version

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Roki Streaming / WWE Network HELP!!!? - 983 - 05-09-2014 10:59 PM

Ok I need HELP!!!! I have purchased the WWE network and it's fine on the computer - but we want to watch it in our living room on the comfy couch and whatnot and when we have company over to watch the PPVs. I want to watch it on the tv in the living oom and the computer is in the bedroom. So I have a wii, it connects to the internet but apparently you need a xbox 360, and a gold live membership as terms of gaming consoles..and they are expensive. Something was said about a ROKU streaming device - what in the heck is that....And will it work with my normal flat screen tv and if I already have verizion fios and how would that work. All help would be MUCH appreciated as well as other suggestions Smile

- raina_vissora - 05-09-2014 11:07 PM

Roku is a set-top box for internet streaming. Basically, it's a box that gives your TV an interface to connect to supported streaming services, like Netflix, Hulu, and yes... WWE. There's no subscription required, other than a subscription to the service you want to use (i.e. once you own the Roku, they won't charge you anything farther, but you'll have to pay for your Netflix/WWE/Hulu accounts).

Most Roku boxes will work on any TV that has either composite input (that's the yellow, red, and white plugs) or HDMI input (the flat plug)... though I believe the Roku 3 only supports HDMI connections.

I've got a Roku LT and two Roku 2s in my house. They're great little gadgets. Smile

Here's the Roku pricing info:

And here's more info specifically on WWE for Roku.