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What does it mean if she keeps looking at me? - Printable Version

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What does it mean if she keeps looking at me? - 830 - 05-10-2014 01:22 AM

I know this girl a little, we had the same music teacher and performed together before in a group but never talked to each other before. This year, we're in the same sch. We were having some assembly and she was in front of me by a small distance. She kept turning around and looking at me. This happened over a few days. She would keep turning around and looking at me. What could be the reasons tht she's staring at me? I am not one of the better looking guys. I've had girls look at me before but I'm short and look younger than my age. Pls help me, I've been hurt before so I am hesitant to make a move until I know that she likes me back.

- Amelija - 05-10-2014 01:38 AM

She might like you.

- Rhea - 05-10-2014 01:50 AM

She likes you and maybe she wnats you to be her friend .. Talk to her and you will know do the first move

- Minion - 05-10-2014 02:06 AM

It could be that she likes you or that she's interested in you. Maybe she's just shy and is waiting for you to Do the first move... Maybe you could try say hi or add her on Facebook and send her a message there if you think it's too awkward
(Ps thanks for the help in my question)