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Vanier, Dawson or Marianopolis is right for me? - Printable Version

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Vanier, Dawson or Marianopolis is right for me? - Piper - 05-10-2014 04:22 AM

Okay so I am a Quebec student who's really curious on which college would suit me best. I'm only applying next year but I'd love to get a basis hahaha. I am fairly intelligent but I am lazy when it comes to my work and I only strive with a lot of motivation. I prefer hands-on learning and I love interacting with a lot of people during school.

My grades this year:

English - 84
French (Enriched) - 87
Math 404 - 83
Science 406- 75
History - 84

I don't have my mind made up yet but I'm leaning towards Social Science - Psychology Profile. Which off the following schools would suit me best; Vanier, Dawson, Marianopolis or John Abbott?

- 427 - 05-10-2014 04:26 AM

For Social Science you could probably get into any of the three colleges, but for science you might be limited to Vanier or Abbott unless you can get your science grade above 80%.

I would suggest you check out the programs offered at each college and make your decision mainly on that. For example, Dawson and Vanier both have a specific Psychology profile, whereas Marianopolis and John Abbott do not. Vanier has an interesting option of a bilingual program where you can take some of your concentration courses in French. Marianopolis has the advantage of smaller class sizes, but it of course costs a lot more than a Cegep, so unless money is no issue, I would suggest taking advantage of public Cegep and saving your cash for university.

John Abbott has a beautiful campus, but it has a bit of a bad reputation. I would only suggest it if you already live really close to it and go there as a matter of convenience.

- C.M. C - 05-10-2014 04:32 AM

Piper, I have a lot of friends that went to and some still going to Dawson, they say it rocks.

- Bemarianopolis - 05-10-2014 04:37 AM

Hello there,

We actually do have a Psychology profile within our Social Science program. You can read more about it on our website: under "Programs".
A very good way to decide which school is best for you is really just to learn as much as possible about the different colleges you are interested in. You should participate in Student-for-a-Day programs and Open Houses.
Our Student-for-a-Day program takes place in October and November. You can sit in on classes, meet teachers, students, and basically experience a day in the life of a Marianopolis student! Academics are important, but it is also great to experience the general vibe of a school in order to decide whether it is right for you. Our Open House will be Sunday, November 2.
You should create a profile on our website. It is a great source of information, and a glimpse into what Marianopolis student life is like.
You can also like us on Facebook (Marianopolis - Future Students) and get a glimpse of our student life and upcoming events. We are also newly on Pinterest! Check out our boards @

Choosing a College is important, and it can also be a lot of fun. We hope you enjoy every step!

Kind Regards,

The Marianopolis Admissions team.