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He likes me, we chatted and now he isn't responding to my texts? - Printable Version

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He likes me, we chatted and now he isn't responding to my texts? - cartierpoloqueen - 05-10-2014 06:31 AM

I get it , when a guy likes a girl, you watch their body language.... he glares at me, he is always checking me out, he is flirting with me. His feet are pointed in my direction. He added me to facebook, we flirted and a day and two later, I would send him random messages, just to be silly and no response. I checked to see if he unfriended me on facebook, and he hasn't. I am confused... if a guy likes a girl shouldn't they want to talk to them? Or could it be he is not a texter .. or even more so, he is busy. He is a busy guy and I won't see him until the weekend...

I guess I am scared to see him because I will be embarrassed because i feel like I just got burned, or should I not think anything of it ? Like I am reading too much into it and just wait until I see him. I do know he likes me, that I do know 100% .
i.e. we flirted on facebook... Ugh guys are hard to read lol
he has read them, but the last time before we started chatting, when I asked him a question on FB, he said the following day that he saw the messages and he was busy that is why he didn't respond to me. I guess being a girl, we read too much into things LOL.

- Dennis Bergkamp - 05-10-2014 06:35 AM

Probably busy getting his barrel sucked.

- Vikings - 05-10-2014 06:44 AM

Maybe he hasn't read the messages on FB?? If he has just ignore him. That usually pushes my buttons.

- Ray - 05-10-2014 06:53 AM

Growing pains and clearly this is ample evidence of how young boys and girls decide to have issues with "relationships" and how they cannot handle this. Here is a thought. Wait. Go about your school work, family and friends and social events and stop worrying about this subject and stop torturing yourself as to how or why or when as to human behavior. OK? There is ample time during the rest of your life. People are not robots. They do not function as such.