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How do you react when someone ignores your text or message? - Printable Version

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How do you react when someone ignores your text or message? - 989 - 05-10-2014 06:39 AM

Nowadays we are always connected together via text,fb, etc. Even though thats true ppl can be very busy or forget. Lately if someone ignores or doesnt follow through with things its starting to bother me less i just stop writing to them or dont take them as seriously. I do find it very rude.

- 953 - 05-10-2014 06:45 AM

I get upset and usually feel embarrassed. Sometimes it makes me sad, sometimes a little bit angry. Depends on my mood. I think it's kind of rude too...
I got used to it though, so it doesn't affect me as much anymore. I'll just do the same to them unless I know they didn't have a choice but to ignore.

- shawn j - 05-10-2014 06:57 AM

Grow a pair and learn to do something in life other than yap on a phone. growing a pair of balls may provide the testosterone required to shut up and put a phone down for a few seconds to do something IMPORTANT in this world. Imagine how advanced men would be without American women to drag the universe they created down. Picture Dee dee from Dexters labratory. Dee dee is typical phone/facebook obsessed person. Dexter typical non phone obsessed person. One invents things, one destroys everything.

- bluebellbkk - 05-10-2014 07:07 AM

We are TOO connected, and some intelligent people have noticed this and decided to take back control of their own lives.

If someone texts me, why should I reply immediately? OK, fine, if it says "Hey, want to come to the movies in half an hour?" - obviously you should reply soon - but for anything that's not urgent, it can wait and so can you.

- Schuyler - 05-10-2014 07:21 AM

You need to understand that people never want to feel like they're on call, they will respond when they want to, not when you want them to.