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My laptop is playing videos on YouTube really slow. What may be the cause? - Printable Version

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My laptop is playing videos on YouTube really slow. What may be the cause? - . - 05-10-2014 06:44 AM

I use Google Chrome, and when I try to play videos on Youtube, it will play for maybe around 12 seconds then it will lag and stop playing. The video also fails to buffer.

Also when I try to play videos on other sites, the videos don't even load.

Everything was fine before and videos would play fine and effectively, but then one day it this just happened and this has been going on for about 3 days already.

My internet connection is fast and I normally delete all browser history, cookies, cache, etc. on a regular basis, so my cache is not full.

I have not downloaded any new programs to my computer recently, and the old programs that I already had installed had never caused any problems. Nor have I uninstalled any important programs.

I also have the latest flash player installed, and Google Chrome already has an inbuilt flash player.

When I play videos on my desktop computer it is be fine, so this is only occurring with my laptop, so I don't believe it has anything to do with my connection.

The hard-drives of my laptop is also not full as I store most to almost everything such as documents, pictures, files, etc on an external backup drive.

Also, no hardware accelerators are enabled, so there are no hardware accelerators running to interfere with YouTube.

I have also tried to run YouTube with its HTML5 Video Player but that doesn't make a difference either.

I've also run two full scans on my laptop and only 3 minor problems were found and all 3 problems have been fixed, yet video streaming is still the same.

Anyone else can tell me what else can be the problem?
No I don't have Registry Mechanic or pop ups.
@ Jaime M, I've already mentioned that I do not have slow internet. Prior to all this, videos loaded really fast and I never experienced lagging with even full movies.

For now I have resorted to "refreshing" under the recovery options of my laptop. This will refresh the whole laptop and bring it back to the earlier stages before all programs were installed. But I am still waiting for it to finish refreshing, so I don't know what the results are yet.
@BreadWhistle, I was also thinking that, but I don't think since I tried to play videos on other sites and those didn't even load at all. Also, I mentioned that I can watch from YouTube on my desktop PC just fine.

Thanks for all your opinions so far!
Well, I've just fixed everything finally, and everything is working smoothly again. Again, thanks for the 3 of you for your input. This question will be put up for vote for the best answer.

- Alex - 05-10-2014 06:49 AM

Could be a virus do u have registry mechanic? That is a virus also do u have pop ups frequently?

- Jaime M - 05-10-2014 07:03 AM

slow internet

- BreadWhistle - 05-10-2014 07:09 AM

Odds are its just YouTube's servers being crappy. They are known for crapping out and being slow for periods at a time, and this has been happening for years. Just wait it out, eventually you'll be watching videos normally once more! (:

Hope I helped!