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Am I just paranoid? Or is this bullying? - Printable Version

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Am I just paranoid? Or is this bullying? - 555 - 05-10-2014 07:02 AM

Alright, so the majority of all of my friends are involved with Wicca/Witch craft (not that I have a problem with it, just continue reading) and we're in a FB group chat you know, and it seems that every time they start talking about that, they seem to like to ignore everything I say, even if it IS a question about that. I just think that they're getting sick of me and that ignoring me is a way of saying "you're-not-important-go-kill-yourself-leave-us-alone-bye-cunt". I know that's what they think anyways. Also, I'll get mad at my friend because she's only what? Fourteen and she thinks she has more experience then a 40 year old-70 year old in the "craft". Also, they have their own personal group chat about that and they know I know a few things counselor says this may be the cause my anger and depression...could this be bullying? could this cause depression? please..I need answers.

- Christina - 05-10-2014 07:05 AM

Sounds like you need new friends who have your same interest. I would drop them and find new people to hang with.

- Mackenzie - 05-10-2014 07:19 AM

These are kids in a phase. Nothing to do but wait it through. There's a reason why real Wiccans and Witches don't train minors.

Most teens think they know what Wicca & Witchcraft are when they start- they read some crappy teen witch book or look up a website like and think they know what they are talking about.

Most don't. They're having fun though-- it's like role playing Charmed or something. Most of them, if not all of them, will get bored of it and grow out of it... maybe a select few will get serious about it and it may actually become their religion.

Sorry to hear they're being rude to you. Really is no excuse for that.

- Aandeg-Maiingan - 05-10-2014 07:29 AM

Its not bullying, but it IS a crappy way to act. If this "14" year old thinks shes an expert far more than a 40-year veteran, that raises red flags in that she knows absolutely nothing about Wicca, because she doesn't want people questioning her (many wannabes do that because they feel better in a play stance than to be corrected with accurate information, which would then make them feel foolish for believing what they did).

I agree that you need new friends because this group doesn't reflect real friendship.

If you would like to reflect your OWN expertise (or just learn what Wicca REALLY is for your own reference), id suggest looking up this site and utilizing the suggested reading material (listed on the right hand side bar in the link).