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Windows 8 Connection Problem!!!? - Printable Version

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Windows 8 Connection Problem!!!? - 638 - 05-10-2014 07:39 AM

Ok, so recently i got my laptop fixed of water damage and i got it back about a week ago.
I tried to play a game that i liked called 'Tap Tiles' and it would not let me sign in to my Xbox / Microsoft account on it. It said there was a problem with the network connection. After searching the internet for answers I gave up after not finding anything useful.
A couple of days ago after I turned my laptop on i got a message to update to Windows 8.1. I went onto the store (which was working fine) and I tried and it said that it can't because of network issues.
Bare in mind that my internet explorer and Google chrome are all working and I do have internet.
Yesterday I got a brand new Wi-fi box and then today i tried to go on to the store.
It now says i have no internet connection at all and I cannot connect to the store. But i have full bars and my internet is up and running?
How do I fix this? Please help!

- Jak - 05-10-2014 07:48 AM

1) open divace manger then find your wifi card and scan to see if there are any problems then the manger will do the rest

2) try to connect with a cable

- Andru - 05-10-2014 08:04 AM

I think few files are corrupted of your windows, So you should repair your window, If you still facing the problem then you should reinstall your window 8...