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How do i to talk to a girl on bus? - Printable Version

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How do i to talk to a girl on bus? - 664 - 05-10-2014 07:47 AM

So there is a girl i like on my school bus who i see everyday and i think she interesting in me . On the bus she doesn't really stares at me as much (although we had some 3 second eye contact sessions) but when i get off the bus and look up her window seat she is always staring me (today she smiled a bit)
She's been on my school bus for a year or so ( she sat a couple of times next to me but nothing really happened) but I've never found the courage to make a move (i'am shy and talking isn't one of my ups) I'm not sure if she actually likes me.(btw a girl liking me is a rare phenomenon->i am not that handsome) I've recently added her on Facebook and according to it she is single . She talks and hangs out with older and bigger guys and that keeps me a bit worried to if she really wants me (i am regular to skinny size )
Anyway you could advice me would be appreciated , thanks

P.S. I am almost 17 and she is a couple months older that me , i'm 70kg and 175-180cm or 155lbs and 5.8ft

- Frankiestein - 05-10-2014 07:55 AM

Well if youre too shy to talk to her then try to make strong eye contact with her, message her on Facebook and be like hey how are you. Messaging her will give you confidence to talk to her face to face. Ask her what she likes and whatnot on Facebook.