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About google Adsense and Google Chrome !?!? - Printable Version

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About google Adsense and Google Chrome !?!? - Nawwar El Narsh - 05-10-2014 07:52 AM

Google Chrome Ads that shows up in my adsense
Do i really earn from those clicks if they clicked on it ..
and whyyy do they advertise for google chrome while its already free browser ?
what is there profit ?
Nooo I don't click on my ads at all =D
i mean when visitors click on them =)

don't worry i read the hall terms of google adsense =)

- Eli - 05-10-2014 07:55 AM

nawwar don't click on your ads cuz you'll be banned eventually

Why do they advertise for chrome?

because they want people to know that it exists, believe it or not, some people don't know anything about chrome, some people just use firefox and don't know anything else and some people don't know that they can download a web browser or don't want that, so they use IE for the rest of their life if they are on windows, or safari if they are on mac because these 2 browsers are default browsers that come with the operating system that you use.

Furthermore, sometimes google chrome wants to notify you that it is available in other languages or that it has something new...for example I live in Lebanon...So I often see an ad for google chrome and it says : download the arabic version of google chrome, google chrome is now available in your language....this sentence is written in arabic...I don't download it of course because none of the lebanese people use arabic on internet, as a matter of fact most of us (including me) can't type arabic.

These ads are called targeted ads, just like facebook, they detect your IP address and show the ads in your language.

edit :

Yes you earn...How much? it depends on your web traffic and your content.....for example if you just started a website, each click will probably give you 0.03 $ lets say you have 10000 visitors, each click will probably give you 2 $....Lets say you just started a website about celebs which is a hot topic each click will probably give you 0.008$ and lets say you have many visitors you could earn probably 5$ per click