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I am not getting total site links on Google? - Printable Version

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I am not getting total site links on Google? - Pravalika D - 05-10-2014 07:58 AM

Hi all this is my web site. When I search like pravalikadesigns on Google I found that that is showing only my site link... not showing all my inner web page links like.........
PPC Management SEO
Web Designing Web hosting
Web development ...................

Like the above. what can I do to show like the above all my links on google search...............

- 344 - 05-10-2014 08:05 AM

If you search for "prevalikadesigns" and only find your homepage, your other pages might have not been indexed.

One tip to see all the pages that Google indexed on your site :
go to google, search for:

and see what you've got Smile

- Vijay - 05-10-2014 08:16 AM

Hi Pravalika, So you wish to know how many of your web pages are indexed in Google? The answer is simple...

Just Go to and enter the below query
and submit it.. You'll get the answer..

I just check it google and found the answer and here is the link you can check at...

your site has a total of 320 pages indexed in Google.

Your site claim to offer SEO service.. So you are supposed to know this basic tips..

- Natasha - 05-10-2014 08:24 AM

search using

- Gypsy Toast - 05-10-2014 08:38 AM

yeah, for some reason Google doesn't show all your links. Check your links on Yahoo instead.